Tuesday, November 09, 2004


My brother has a weakness. He has not much logical thought. You should try arguing with him, he exists within his own reality. Trying to debate a point logically is of course lost to him. Therefore, if there's anyone from any debate team, kindly come and collect him? He will exasperate your opponents to death.

Recently, we've been fighting alot, over his dalliance with this girl called Yvonne. I use the term girl loosely.

He seems to be addicted to SMSing, calling or just dissapearing with this girl. What are the conseqeunces of these?
$300 a month phone bills, the home phone is always engaged (even in case of emergencies), he disappears from existence frequently.

I've had the pleasure of communicating with said Yvonne on a number of occasions, namely when it's 3am, and I ask her to get off the damn phone.

Or when my brother utilises my youngest brother's mobile to sms her and in return the young kid of about 12, gets to witness lewd, barely legal messages returned by the girl.

The most recent encounter, is a testimont to her.

On saturday night, my grandmother was re-admitted into the hospital, we were desperate to find my brother and thus, out of desperation, we called her wanting to know whether she knew where he was.

Conversation happened as followed:
Phone rings and is picked up, amidst sounds of crowds milling about.
Y : HARLOW ( one of those big ah-lian kind of shout outs)
Me : Hi, may I speak to Yvonne? I'm Tony's sister, Wendy.Y : Oh, hiiiiiiii (suddenly all sweetness and niceness and suddenly became a pseudo-american)
Me: Yes, I'm looking for Tony, quite urgent, his grandma is in hospital. Is he with you?
Y : Errrhhhmmm, nooooooooo, hiiiiizzz knooot wifffth mee knoooowwwww.
Me : Ohkay, thanks, Let him know we're looking for him if you see him.
Hangs up and continues dinner.

On second thoughts, I realise that maybe she might know how to find his other friends as well, so I called her up again. This proved to be the highlight of my entire evening.
Pressing redial,

Me: Hi, Yvonne?
Y : Errrh, wronnng number.
Me: ?, Right...I don't think so. Who am I speaking to? (hello, I pressed redial, what wrong number?)
Y : Errrhhhmmm, this is SAM, yvonne's friend (yes..i thought i had a wrong number?)
Me: Right, could you "ask" Yvonne if she has Davis's number? I thought maybe tony is with him.
Y : Erhh, Yvonne lost her memory, no her phone memory is all lost, yes all the numbers are gone, her phone is lost! her phone is spoilt! (and in what freaking order did that happen? Miss wrong number?)
Me: Ohkay...You know what? next time, please come up with a more intelligent lie? It's alright if she doesn't want to tell me, but please be more intelligent. (Cannot control laughter by now.)
Me: Bye!

I hang up and told my parents. I can't believe this is the sort of idiotic bimbo that my brother hangs up with.

Later on at night, after coming back from the hospital, I told my brother what happened. He laughed with me. I had only one thing to tell him. That girl is WEAK.

He laughed out loud, but then mumbled something about how Singaporean girls were mostly like that. To which I smacked him over the head, and he said, No, not you.


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