Sunday, November 07, 2004


My dad is cute this way.

He asked me this morning, when I would be in Europe again, he needed me to go look at someone's office n facilities for him.

So he just casually asked me, as if he was asking me to walk to the end of the street to buy him some chicken rice;
Dad: Hey, Budapest is pretty, you wanna go there this December?
Me: Errrh..sure..why?
Dad: Oh I need you to go check up if this guy is telling the truth on his facilities(although in not so coherent terms, but i'm giving the gist of it)
Me: Errrh...ohkay, you pay ah?
Dad: Sure
Me: Weee(goes into room to check out the flight details / trains)

After an hour long of searching, I have come to a few realisations:
1) ITS crazy to access a Hungarian tourism site that speaks only Magyar...Because of tourist would want to go to Hungary without speaking Magyar (ROIGHT)
2) It costs $500 at least for me to get there, not withstanding taking a train to Berlin, then taking an Easyjet Flight
3) I kinda don't wanna take the trouble, its not like I've not been there before.

Me: Dad, flight will cost you at least $300, not to mention my train ticket to Berlin. You sure you want me to go?
Dad: Erh..ohkay, I'll just pop by the next time I'm in the continent.
Me: SURE?!
Dad goes back into loo.

My family. The source of my joy n pain.

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