Thursday, January 26, 2006

Home Day 2

Wake up to go to meet grandma and aunty to go get my cousin Ricky who just arrived from Oz and is staying at his wife's apartment on Holland Road. He's marooned here, on his way to Delhi, but his wife is at a conference so we collected him and took him out for breakfast so he can meet my grandma.

Drop him back home to rest, went to get my hair colored. Which was SUCH AN ORDEAL. The colorist, i don't particularly like, but he's good at what he does. He decided haircut no.1 is a disaster and after bleaching my hair, re-cut it...hence haircut no.2...
he might be an asshole, but he knows his shit.

Ricky came by for dinner,and he got a haircut too... We had good ol home curry, ribs , prawn fritters and rice. Mom took him out walking around old Katong, where he used to visit with his dad to bring back some nice memories. Stop for lemon gelato on the way...umm..good when it's 28 degrees in the evening.

Tried again to sleep..this time...i wanted to finish watching chicken little on dvd..and halfway through it, mom comes in...all insomaniac..and we just took off for midnight noodles at Bedok..and take the chance to finish New Year shopping for the house.

I love Singapore..everything is 24 least the things you need. We bought mandarins, goodies, cookies, and even a brocolli (don't know why, don't ask) at 3 am in the morning..and we had help carrying everything to the car by the shop assistants. If this is not good service, I don't know what is.

Bedok North Blk 85's Famous minced meat noodles

Fried Carrot Cake, which GJ totally misses

Crawled back to bed... mom wants to run again tomorrow...


boh on the run said...

OMG! ba cho MEE!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that store!!!!!

Wendy said...

Boh...i kid you's delicious...
i wish i can ta pau...or even ship daily to Delft.
so shiok..when you eat with the chilli

boh on the run said...

the ba cho there is super yummy! I LOVE IT! waaaaaaaaaa.......


i miss ba chor mee...

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!