Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hello...i'm from Singapore

You know what you hear and think about all Singaporean kiasu kias...well i'm one of them and I'm super grateful for the MOE to drilling me into a book-eating, text-digesting machine. I can eat and lap up any bloody subject and text as long as you tell me i have an exam on it. And frankly, I think i bloody earned this ability, after 18 years of having to do it 3 times a month at least and hearing the words, okay, you have a mid-term exam tomorrow...and you go like wah..again? i'm super pissed..there are these buggers from god-knows-why "developed" better countries who think they are so smart...they can't even read english articles properly...they waltz in and in a "friendly-exchange" try to weasel you out of your notes and information to pick your brains....
Forget it fucking way I'm gonna help educate you while i'm here studying my brains don't even know what time the exam is. i look stupid to you? I've got 6 years of primary, 4 years of secondary and 2 years college of hard-core test and exam studying under my think i'm gonna past my notes to you?
Helllooo..I'm from singapore and I'm proud of it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.