Thursday, January 26, 2006

Friday's Two Faces - I AM ART & CULTURE

Got up real early, caught the tram to the station with M to be on our way to Den Haag for a day of culture and refinement visiting the nation's musuem with our esteemed professor, RMR...
tried to be late..well not tried..was just late..because of said tram/'s not my fault the stop train came first.
But still we were met up by the group and had a whole morning/afternoon of dutch impressionist and romantic artist in the Mauritshuis, where we saw van Mieris (humourous guy...great thing to have in a house full of dead artiste with dead drawings of deader people) who had brothel scenes, with copulating dogs and oysters as inspiration, a nice sojourn through a pouring (1 degree) rain and a nice lunch at a cafe on the square in front of the musuem (free lunch! thanks to RMR)
Proceeded to Amsterdam for th Rijksmusum, where I got a picture of a fat boy..I LOVE's just so weird it's funny. Saw dollhouses built for adults, without their working miniature fountain and garden (alas) and walked the line down Keizergracht for a night of cocktails at G's place.
(pictures will be posted at a later date)

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