Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Genting Trip Day 1

Waking up bright and early to head up the road to drive to Genting. We've been doing this for a couple of years, and every year...it gets easier to wake up, but i seem to get sicker on the road. so Finally, after 6 hours of driving, stopping for greasy foood and the warm warm weather of smog and plantations along the Malaysian Highway, we arrived at Genting. Immediately, mom and I manipulated dad into letting us go down to Kuala Lumpur for shopping, because of the following reasons:
1.We don't care if the bus will make us sick, no one sells cheap BAPE Sta and underground brands like Sungei Wang
2. Come on, it's half the money, since the exchange rate is almost 2 to 1
3. I know, I know ...they have the best hongkong style cafe food outside of Hong Kong, this side of the world

So we make our way down, to the shuttle, took us 1 hr 45 mins on the huge bus, with tony falling into different states of sleepiness and trying to maintain his look! Halfway, we hear people say that we're headed to Pekeliling, but we thought we needed to go to Sentul, so I was making fun of my usually directionally challenged mother that she got us lost again. But thank goodness, we arrived there, hopped onto the new light rail system (TAKE THAT MOBILITY!) and went to shopping heaven.
I love it when the light rail is attached surgically to the facade of a shopping mall, how can there be any other more elegant solution, get on train, get off train, smack right into the window display. HeaaVEN.

Of course, I cannot resist photographing tony, the vain, with a nice backdrop of Caesar Pelli's twin towers...too bad we don't have time to go shop there, there's like an entire podium of 7 storeys worth of shops there. Hmm..last time i remembered, prada was there, with her apricot lighted stores. Got off and all of us were just plain hungry, having eaten nothing since 6 am. So mom suggested we hit a small hong kong style cafe, which of course she couldn't find and remembered. Cue 30 mins of wandiering around in different directions around the building block, and finally finding the back entrance of the cafe pretty much by mistake. Too tired to complain, just ordering food and drinks before we get ready to shop till we drop.
Mom and Me
Oooh, Ice tea, the real kind, with sour plums inside with coffee and tea mix called Ying Yang. Guaranteed to give you your caffeine kick.
This was well worth the long walk, pumpkin baked fried rice, with porkchop and an egg on top and oven baked in a fresh pumpkin, you can literarily scoop up the creamy pumpkin flesh with each scoop of your rice....it totally melts in your mouth So this is how we spent the rest of the afternoon, trawling through Sungei Wang, buying Juicy Couture, Obey, DCSHOECO, no label and BApe Sta stuff..at dirt cheap prices. They are all real, but just really really cheap here.
Tony at Zang Toi's, right after he bought his second leather BAPE Sta...
After hours and hours of shopping, we were just sooo beat, we had to stop for tea at Zang Toi's cafe for a nice nice mint ice tea. Yummy and of course, it doesn't hurt that you're sitting in the middle of a few designer's cafe Busy Busy Sungei Wang, so after taking the light rail in the wrong direction, we had to cross 2 stations, to get back on the right line to head back to Pekliling to take our shuttle bus back up to Genting. Of course, this time..It was totally my fault, with the train directions.
So on the way back, our shuttle broke down halfway between KL and Genting, and we were just sitting in there, waiting and waiting, while tony checked out all his BAPE sta that he bought up in Sungei Wang....and you people complain that girls buy too much shoes! HA!
We ended up at night, trawling through first world, and nixon saw a ferrari which he loved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.