Thursday, January 26, 2006

Friday's Two Faces - I AM DRUNK & HAPPY

Got to G's, smell of good cooking wafting through the old canal house.
This was celebration night, for all of us and the 2 teachers for surviving the semester, but clouded by RMR's over eagerness of desire to share our grades with us. still, we stuck to the plan of making too much cocktails too generously, so that everyone will be drunk enough not to notice.

Headed back out to the nearest AH for ingredients and booze... had time to chat with Anais, who is actually the sweetest thing alive, like liquorice...
TOo much booze, too little men to carry them, lesson learnt: never send the boys to get booze, they blew the budget and got whiskey too.

Got back, started to man the lemon pressing station while M starts the Mojitos out, gets alcohol-free RMR to take some, but overheard him telling Dirk and Gepke that their reports sucked while walking in to serve drinks....OUCH....tell M to start making stronger Mojitos
Manning stations between hallway (aka the BAR), the dinning room and the kitchen, feeding the cook cocktails and his friend, Alta got a non-alcoholic one by mistake.

Night went by under a haze of mojitos, malibus with pineapple juice (YUUUM) and tequila shots and pasta and vegetable stews ( needed more salt). Then the party began, with a drunk V, hugging everyone including G and boyfriend telling them in whispers (loud whispers) "I'M NOT DRUNK...REALLY .... I AM JUST PRETENDING" of course, everybody knows the universal rule that drunks protest their own state when they are gone and drunk.

He was great entertainment , snapping his fingers at people to FOCUUS on him (fucous - f*** us) ... i'm tempted to clip the movie of him i filmed here..but i have no idea.
He started to pour out his life story to us, and hugged everyone....

I was so sad that i had to leave early, i wanted to witness his embarassment more, as we kept pressing whiskey in his hands. Tried to hand him his hoodie, which he proceeded to shove his right arm into the left sleeve of. Decided, with a pang of guilt, maybe I should take him home, but he didn't want to, so we just let him be.

Heard after that he literary jumped on people, hugged them the night through.

Made our way back with M, Fleur and Shih Chi, to delft, too tired and gone to walk caught a mercedes cab from the station....and decided since this is our first cab ride in a LONG time (yes, we are that deprived in delft) to wave like Queen E / Paegent Queen in the car..:D
I've got that hand movement down to a pat + tilted chin and elegant gaze...:D

We have to do this all again...the drinks, the company, the drunk and of course the fun
(pictures will be posted later)


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