Wednesday, April 20, 2005

YTI: Y do I boTher


Would you believe it? I am now Director of YTI Systems Pte Ltd.
I have a company!

You will not believe the SHIT I had to go through to get it registered, incorporated and started.

In the future, I should start a consulting business for SMEs on how to avoid the pain of local bureaucracy.

On a second note, I wouldn't want to imagine attempting the above anywhere else in the world.
As lehche as our govt is, they have GOOD organisations which in the end, help you like ur their own kid.

But first, you got to get through their SCARY telephone system.

T: please press 1, for @#^&#$*(#@()()*
please press 2, for @&#*()@_0-8

W: (0_0)!!!!????
T: Hi , good afternoon can I help you?
W: Well I need to, ______________(fill in ur enquiry), can you help me with that or should I call another department?
T: Oh yeah you have to call up our &&&&**** dept. I transfer u
W: Ohkay Than! ----- interrupted with DOOMLIKE BEEEP sounds
T2: Hi, This is IWEIOJIOW can i help?
W: Yeah, ur colleauge tells me that this is the dept that _____________-?
T2: Er, let me transfer u again.
then long long beep later...and some HORRENDOUS music later....



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