Wednesday, April 20, 2005



was off to ikea to buy usual...STUFF

was coming up the escalator, where a DODGY, FILTHY bangla type started to bend down and trying to look under my skirt. I stared right back at him, and he straightened up....and look away scared.

He continued to look, so I stared back and he panicked and ran down the downwards escalator.
Then...I got the security guard by the Taxi stand and told him about the guy, and guess what? the last we saw, that perv was RUNNING into the Carpark area...

of all escalators, the hell can u see without being caught?

so...goes to prove..u can be STUPID and PERVETED

Dead Birds and Crying Dogs

I take Pepper, my uncle's Cocker Spaniel for walks pretty often.
(Arrangement: we play with pepper, they feed, clothe, bathe and pay for Pepper)
Extremely nice arrangement I must add. the McCafe at Parkway Builders where we stop for breakfast on our way back , a bird died right in front of pepper.
it was a Bonk Thud ....Whine (from Pepper) experience

Bonk..the bird flew into the glass panes
ThuD...said bird fell to ground, dead of course
and Whine...Pepper starts to cry when the bird doesn't respond to him.

He is a Bird-Lover and Bird-Chaser..

and yes u guessed it, Pepper's a HE
but isn't he cute?
He actually got emotional and cried, and was sulky the whole day.
Now...that's a man!

Ferraga-mo fo me

I'm a shoe freak.

There's a Ferragamo sale at Isetan Scotts and as a reward for settin up her school registration, My Muummy decides that I need a pair of Ferragamo. She says it hurts her heart to see my wear shoes that cut my feet. feet don't feel it now anyways.

So I'm off with her with my heart set on a pair of Vara! I only want Vara..cause it's like going to LV and buying the Monogram and not the Damier. I was hoping for RED or whatever...


the only one VARA available was... Beige, Size 4 and Leather (UGLEE)

*SOB* how? in a binge of shoe fitting..I think I tried on about 12 odd pairs, from a patent bow clara, to a few loafers in nice pastel shades, a few pumps and one lavender shade one which I thought I might buy. (Total cost of all shoes tried = <$8000 SGD) DAMN SHIOK!

But in the end I found a patent bow clara, but it was patent which meant that i'd scratch it beyond recognition with the way I how?...Didn't buy...

I am fervently waiting for the next SF sale....
and this time...I'm waiting at 9 am!

YTI: Y do I boTher


Would you believe it? I am now Director of YTI Systems Pte Ltd.
I have a company!

You will not believe the SHIT I had to go through to get it registered, incorporated and started.

In the future, I should start a consulting business for SMEs on how to avoid the pain of local bureaucracy.

On a second note, I wouldn't want to imagine attempting the above anywhere else in the world.
As lehche as our govt is, they have GOOD organisations which in the end, help you like ur their own kid.

But first, you got to get through their SCARY telephone system.

T: please press 1, for @#^&#$*(#@()()*
please press 2, for @&#*()@_0-8

W: (0_0)!!!!????
T: Hi , good afternoon can I help you?
W: Well I need to, ______________(fill in ur enquiry), can you help me with that or should I call another department?
T: Oh yeah you have to call up our &&&&**** dept. I transfer u
W: Ohkay Than! ----- interrupted with DOOMLIKE BEEEP sounds
T2: Hi, This is IWEIOJIOW can i help?
W: Yeah, ur colleauge tells me that this is the dept that _____________-?
T2: Er, let me transfer u again.
then long long beep later...and some HORRENDOUS music later....




First Stop: I'm back. Sorry for the long long silence

I had a few things on my list to clear off first.
sleep being one of them.

But the most exciting thing for March was
MY EXHIBITION for XXXXX Company dealing in XXXX products
( Note: not XXX which would mean XXX-rated)

The whole 3 day affair went off without a hitch ( it went of with more then one hitches)
but..I pulled through, with a korean suit and a smile so plastered, you had to scrape it off of me.

I made my accquaintences with dodgy military types, foodie idiots, cheeky old pervs, mecenaries, nuclear scientist(why am i glowing green???!), engineers, ah lian and well...will you believe it, a Fireman and One Police Chief.

*GULP* I've been requested to be photographed with certain Military Intelligence from XXXXXXXXXXX and then I practiced my Dutch to great appeal with request for email correspondence.

So all in all, it was an experience in exhibitioning to remember.

Tummy Ache

To set the tones of things!
I'm gonna let u know in advance.
This is the start of a long
Diarrhoea( did i spell that wrong?)
of blogs to COME!


Thank you to all dear friends who asked me why I don't blog.

my answers ranged from
1) I don't feel like it
2) hadn't had the time
3) I dunno

btw. it's all true. But....I'm gonna be good and start on it again.
frankly, blogger isnt' all that stable and it crashes on me sometimes. So from now on. I'm gonna make it SHORT n SWEET!
