Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Birthday Girl

I got a funny pink thing for Sinterklaas from Vic, after i dropped choclate letters in all their mailboxes for a surprise. He gave me that weird pink thing with chocolates and biscuits. Really weird...

Finally, GJ & I went out for a long overdue date before my birthday. We had unlimited spareribs, delicious and strolled around delft on a pretty clear night. When we got home, he surprised me with my birthday and christmas present all rolled into one. YAY!!!

I got an iPod in ear earphones because my ears are so small, the normal ones hurt me and slide out at the drop of a pin and an armband for me on the treadmill. I LOVE THEM!

it's easier to shop for me now I guess, since I got an iPod.

Long Live Apple.


Cathy's leaving for her Europe Trip and going Home after! So for a farewell dinner, we had DRINKS and marcela broke out her bartendering skills and we broke out the liquor store. Victor brought Fernando, his friend from Mexico and Tequila and Guacamole (HEAVENLY) and refried beans and chicken with mole. I bought amaretto with orange juice and we had mojitos and rum a la Marcelaa.

It was just a bad night of drinking after drinking. We played manutaso, and the loser takes tequila shots...when we ran out of that, we did rum with strawberry shots (GROSS) , and later whatever shots of alcohol we could find. It all ended really drunk and really fast. BEcause it gets dark here at 5, so you think, okay let's start drinking.
Believe it or not, we got home at 11, and slept and was pretty sober the next morning, which is of course the day I fell off my bike...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Yes. It's not december Yet. But not if I can help it.
We've been checking out christmasty hats and I got a reindeer headband, which broke because I'm frantically nodding my head to hear the bells ringing (Can you hear the bells ring?)
Marcela has been trying on her tiger claw sloffens and I got GJ a penguin slippers for Sinterklaas. Of course, we decided to head back up north with Marcela to visit his parents and it snowed!!! But Marcela was too dead in the car to notice. The next morning, we were sitting around having a breakfast and talking while GJ's mom picked up a receipt and went, who bought a penguin slipper? Hmmm...I can see here, PENGUIN SLIPPERS FROM BLOKKER..I was going red just trying to eye her and make her stop talking ... but of course...doesn't work..EVERYONE was laughing like hell, and before she realised it...the surprise was ruined. He got his present way before he was suppose to. OBLIVIOUS...
Went up to Zwolle with Marce and came back all nice and relaxed.

A few days later, after a long day of lectures, we decided to head to Ikea, but not before I fell down from my bike, after my front wheel kissed Victor's back wheels and according to eyewitnesses (V & M) I BOUNCED, SLIDED and was all on my face when i fell. Luckily, I got off with a VERY BRUISED right knee and scrapes, but no bad cuts or fractures. THANK GOODNESS it was winter and I had a coat and jeans...but my poor white MNG coat needs dry cleaning now.


Decided to head up to Beverwijk with Cathy and Marcela for cheap CD's DVD's and good oriental markets. On the way back , we decided to take site photos for our projects. Of course, I egged Marcela to climb up an abandoned water storage tower for her site photograph, hoisted her up there manually and threatened to run away in the car while she was up there. Any one intersted in the hilarious video, email me.

Poor Marcela, she climbed up there to find no view of her site and a scary dusty surface which she had to climbed down of. Of course, on her way down, her toggles get stuck on the pipes and she was just hanging there, half up. - half down.



Went to Rotterdam with Andres, Marcela and Victor on a whim. To buy pens ...yes pens....drawings pens...expensive ones..mind Harold's...your very own designer/drawing candy store. We ate and shopped, checked out Stella Mc Cartney's newest collection at H&M, got Victor to model a winter coat and played with interactive lights near the central station.

Cathy's finally back from Bordeaux, we met up for a chicken rice dinner and of course, had one of the girl's nice nights in again.

Our newest playground, the IKEA store. I love that place, cheap food, good atmosphere, I'd like to work for hear?? IKEAAAA?

Amsterdam - Almere

AMS trip with led by Gerhard, one of our studio tutors, a little after school exploring with a lot of fun and beer drinking. After all , we're in holland, if you don't get propositioned for cocaine by a street dealer in the dark alley of the Warmoestraat with the lovely gay fetish shops, what are you doing here for?

We started with good clean fun, VERY cheap fusion food of japanese, thai and chinese 2 doors down from the famed Nam Kee which looked really dirty, so we chickened out and went to this cute clean place instead which was opposite a temple in chinatown in the middle of EUROPE ...imagine that.

the entire group met up at Dam square and started to explore AMS by nightfall. We went towards Bijlmeer, which was suppose to be your ghetto area, but really, we saw closed shops and not a lot of people, but ..of course, we were just on the periphery. We went towards the Arena and a giant furniture mall, which had a GIANT bed, which of course we all ended up on, why not?

Followed by ending the walk down the alleys, to the Prostitute Information Centre which seemed all very legit and official, other than the mode of business they support. To give ourselves the ultimate reward, we got sodding drunk in a Beer Place, I don't know the name anymore...I drank that much, but really, the selection they have there is AMAZING....think about it, your bartender offers you types of beer like a wine selection, do you like dark, what flavours you like...etc etc...LUUURVELY.

Met G's very lovely boyfriend, they seem like a lovely couple, then struggled to go home to Tra My's in Almere for the night, because we were avoiding the Night Train back to Den Haag. The rest of the Group went of for Musuem Night in AMS, but of course, we're spoiled so we choose for the warm bed and the dad-driven car to Almere Muziekwijk, where we were fed like pigs for slaughter by Tra My's mom and dad. They can cook..fantastically. I've not had such good Vietnamese foood for ages.

Before we left Almere, we took the obligatory look at Koolhaas's new urban design area for the town, had a lovely Creme Brulee coffee in the square and just wasted the afternoon away with coffee and sandwiches. I miss Coffee Bean.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Chicken Rice

Look MA! I made chicken Rice..and my own chilli, and my own ginger mix and my own Stock!! WOOHOO and CHICKEN FLAVOURED RICE made from the fat of the chicken that dripped valiantly above the sink...I didn't cheat with just white rice!!

Colors of Autumn

Smell it
See it
Suffer it ( the wind only i mean)

Den Haag = Da Home

You know you're in a foreign country when going to eat at a cheapo chinese restuarant in chinatown with a very stupid sound for word chinese street sign for a VERY dutch street name makes you feel happy. And even so when you go into a chinese supermarket there and you exclaim up and down every aisle, because you see food that makes you feel at home. COME ON...they have MAGGI MEEE.....and DIM SUM IN A PACKET TO GO

The trip to Den Haag was also er culturally stimulating. Check out Rob Krier's Urban Design come to live! and of course us girls who look like we're just realeased from prison.

Perspective Work

I'm so proud of it. You would be too, if you had to bang it all out with some chulo breathing on your hand. AssholeIt is now standing proudly on the gallery outside the 8th Floor of Facultiet Bouwkunde in TU Delft. Just turn the corner behind the lift!

Perspective Presentation Pictures

WOOOOHOOOOOO!! My Perspective Presentation just ended. I'm as happy as a happy meal (to quote Victorism). It was 3 weeks of very hard and very annoying work. But of course, ours turns out the best. WE ROCK!

Some pictures from the final presentation.
Worthy Quotes:
"I think your presentation got the director of the provice planning division excited"
"That's almost a streekplan (Regional Plan)"
"Consider the natural Layers"
"She matches her presentation powerpoint!!!"

Monday, October 10, 2005

Winter Wardrobe

New Winter Coat from MNG.
I know it's stupid to buy MNG when i'm all the way here. Who cares. It's a toggle coat, it's cream, has a hood..which really helps, boiled wool.

Ooh New boots too.
Chunky 3 inch

I want winter to come soon!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Billy Beer

Group 2 Urbanism wemt out for a celebratory dinner after the 1st major presentation. Nothing fancy, but, UNLIMITED spareribs for €12 @ Billy Beer (means bear, but we had loads of beer ) so, 15 people, 8 girls, 7 boys, 5 dutch, 2 french, 1 italian, 1 chinese, 1 taiwanese, 1 american, 1 mexican, 1 el salvadorian & 1 singaporean. Too muhc beer, too much ribs = pounding of table, shouting like idiots, throwing pepper and coasters and each other, 1 stolen pepper mill, 1 kick to the head and a horseback fight on the streets of delft.
We're crazy and we love it

Cathy & Tra My & X

Take 2

Fleur & Shih Chi

Tra My & Victor

Marcela & Fleur

Group 2, Fun Group + Girlfriends

Luca & Me

Victor with somethign up his nose again

X & what he ate


Tra My, X, Anna & Hilda

Tra My



Jaap & his Ribs

Luca, Marcela, Tra My , Cathy & X

Group 2 in the dark


The Happy couple!

The aftermath.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Maria van Jessekerk

Schitterend. I'm going back Friday night for Godma.

Rotterdam on Saturday

You watch street tango at the corner of the Lijnbaan

You get comfy on the terrace of Dimdaily...
Order food in cantonese...

You bitch about the people walking past...

And you satisfy your craving for sushi and har gau, siew mai (sorry ate that too fast to photograph)...

and have a bloody good time, till it rains and you get soaked and cold.
Then, you drive back to Delft and then learn that a tunnel in Rotterdam was flooded (0_0'')
Whoa...that's good timing.

Gaudi in Delft

Cathy, Marlies and I went for a lovely lecture on Sagrada Familia by it's present head architect, Dr.arq. Jordi Bonet Armengol in the beautifully restored church of Maria van Jessekerk on the Burgwal on a rainy Delft evening.

Amazing how beauty is present in everything from mathematics to the human form. Really provokes the thought, when you see so much beauty and desire to beautify , especially when it is present in the form of faith and fervour to glorify the religion.