Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Billy Beer

Group 2 Urbanism wemt out for a celebratory dinner after the 1st major presentation. Nothing fancy, but, UNLIMITED spareribs for €12 @ Billy Beer (means bear, but we had loads of beer ) so, 15 people, 8 girls, 7 boys, 5 dutch, 2 french, 1 italian, 1 chinese, 1 taiwanese, 1 american, 1 mexican, 1 el salvadorian & 1 singaporean. Too muhc beer, too much ribs = pounding of table, shouting like idiots, throwing pepper and coasters and each other, 1 stolen pepper mill, 1 kick to the head and a horseback fight on the streets of delft.
We're crazy and we love it

Cathy & Tra My & X

Take 2

Fleur & Shih Chi

Tra My & Victor

Marcela & Fleur

Group 2, Fun Group + Girlfriends

Luca & Me

Victor with somethign up his nose again

X & what he ate


Tra My, X, Anna & Hilda

Tra My



Jaap & his Ribs

Luca, Marcela, Tra My , Cathy & X

Group 2 in the dark


The Happy couple!

The aftermath.

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