Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Calorie Minefield!

I have arrived in Holland! Made my way nearly 2 hours west to nice old Meppel! (Trust's old. Meppel is a town (because it has a title deed) and Amsterdam does not!) See..OLD

Anyways. it's all nice, calm and quiet. NSIAP seems to be just a long nightmare away.

Then we hit the town(by which i mean, a single shopping street about 6 m wide), to shop for SINTERKLAAS Presents (Sinterklaas Story) and my god.

In between keeping warm at 6°C, looking for pressies from a little scribbled list and tons! of people, we had Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet

Yes, them.
They were jumping in my path, trying to pelt me with Pepernotens

, Candies and what not! It was a CALORIE MINEFIELD! I had sweets thrown into my shopping baskets. Fat old hairy caucasians and a black-body painted white dude trying to waylay me! Not fun! BUT HIGHLY AMUSING!

By the way? the food for this festive time? Chocolate Letters. Yes..Your name spelled out in CHOCOLATE. HELLO JANICE..YOU HEAR?

Anyways. I resolve to guard against carbs this holiday season, I am determined to not gain a layer of holiday happy fat.

And my reward??..

A pair of pink suede leather gloves (ooooohhh...drool)




yes yes i hear it loud and clear!!! chocolate letters!!! hahaha
i'm sure if i had that during my childhood i would be able to spell perfectly... :)

shoe slut said...

waaaa, wendy! it seems like u r having a swinging good time! waaaa....enjoy enjoy!!