Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Genting Trip Day 1

Waking up bright and early to head up the road to drive to Genting. We've been doing this for a couple of years, and every year...it gets easier to wake up, but i seem to get sicker on the road. so Finally, after 6 hours of driving, stopping for greasy foood and the warm warm weather of smog and plantations along the Malaysian Highway, we arrived at Genting. Immediately, mom and I manipulated dad into letting us go down to Kuala Lumpur for shopping, because of the following reasons:
1.We don't care if the bus will make us sick, no one sells cheap BAPE Sta and underground brands like Sungei Wang
2. Come on, it's half the money, since the exchange rate is almost 2 to 1
3. I know, I know ...they have the best hongkong style cafe food outside of Hong Kong, this side of the world

So we make our way down, to the shuttle, took us 1 hr 45 mins on the huge bus, with tony falling into different states of sleepiness and trying to maintain his look! Halfway, we hear people say that we're headed to Pekeliling, but we thought we needed to go to Sentul, so I was making fun of my usually directionally challenged mother that she got us lost again. But thank goodness, we arrived there, hopped onto the new light rail system (TAKE THAT MOBILITY!) and went to shopping heaven.
I love it when the light rail is attached surgically to the facade of a shopping mall, how can there be any other more elegant solution, get on train, get off train, smack right into the window display. HeaaVEN.

Of course, I cannot resist photographing tony, the vain, with a nice backdrop of Caesar Pelli's twin towers...too bad we don't have time to go shop there, there's like an entire podium of 7 storeys worth of shops there. Hmm..last time i remembered, prada was there, with her apricot lighted stores. Got off and all of us were just plain hungry, having eaten nothing since 6 am. So mom suggested we hit a small hong kong style cafe, which of course she couldn't find and remembered. Cue 30 mins of wandiering around in different directions around the building block, and finally finding the back entrance of the cafe pretty much by mistake. Too tired to complain, just ordering food and drinks before we get ready to shop till we drop.
Mom and Me
Oooh, Ice tea, the real kind, with sour plums inside with coffee and tea mix called Ying Yang. Guaranteed to give you your caffeine kick.
This was well worth the long walk, pumpkin baked fried rice, with porkchop and an egg on top and oven baked in a fresh pumpkin, you can literarily scoop up the creamy pumpkin flesh with each scoop of your rice....it totally melts in your mouth So this is how we spent the rest of the afternoon, trawling through Sungei Wang, buying Juicy Couture, Obey, DCSHOECO, no label and BApe Sta stuff..at dirt cheap prices. They are all real, but just really really cheap here.
Tony at Zang Toi's, right after he bought his second leather BAPE Sta...
After hours and hours of shopping, we were just sooo beat, we had to stop for tea at Zang Toi's cafe for a nice nice mint ice tea. Yummy and of course, it doesn't hurt that you're sitting in the middle of a few designer's cafe Busy Busy Sungei Wang, so after taking the light rail in the wrong direction, we had to cross 2 stations, to get back on the right line to head back to Pekliling to take our shuttle bus back up to Genting. Of course, this time..It was totally my fault, with the train directions.
So on the way back, our shuttle broke down halfway between KL and Genting, and we were just sitting in there, waiting and waiting, while tony checked out all his BAPE sta that he bought up in Sungei Wang....and you people complain that girls buy too much shoes! HA!
We ended up at night, trawling through first world, and nixon saw a ferrari which he loved.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Home Day 4

I finally ran today. by the beach yoooppeee!!
I need to shower and swim...
but went to parkway to get a hair straightener instead. Ceramic plates from Revlon. Hope it works
I almost forgot the sensation of being stung by a mosquito and itching ot death. Thanks to the great mosquito legions we have..they haev made it their duty to remind me.
Start to clear up the blog block and try to blog about home as much as possible.
Tomorrow we'll be on the road to Genting/Malaysia for CNY again.
don't think i'll be contactable.

Home Day 3

Breakfast with grams and my aunt .. because mom wanted to give her money for CNY.
Trawled around parkway..which is totally different now and decided to head home to go to Bugis Junction with mom. Had my first iced coffee...mmm..i missed that so much

IAP friends at conference hall.
We made a mistake and forgot about daniel..OOPS
Promised to take him to dinner once instead.

Rushed back to Katong for my manicure/pedicure appointment. Love what anne did. It actually matches my phone!!

Had all the jeans tailored to fit and went home instead.
Sleep deprivation is catching up with me. I lie there at 4pm..and I concussed.
I didn't see daylight anymore...woke up at 11 am..feeling groggy and drowsy..chatted online with V &M and whoever else online.
decided to go back to sleep, but ended up watching las vegas, jeremiah and what not on tv before drifting off

Home Day 2

Wake up to go to meet grandma and aunty to go get my cousin Ricky who just arrived from Oz and is staying at his wife's apartment on Holland Road. He's marooned here, on his way to Delhi, but his wife is at a conference so we collected him and took him out for breakfast so he can meet my grandma.

Drop him back home to rest, went to get my hair colored. Which was SUCH AN ORDEAL. The colorist, i don't particularly like, but he's good at what he does. He decided haircut no.1 is a disaster and after bleaching my hair, re-cut it...hence haircut no.2...
he might be an asshole, but he knows his shit.

Ricky came by for dinner,and he got a haircut too... We had good ol home curry, ribs , prawn fritters and rice. Mom took him out walking around old Katong, where he used to visit with his dad to bring back some nice memories. Stop for lemon gelato on the way...umm..good when it's 28 degrees in the evening.

Tried again to sleep..this time...i wanted to finish watching chicken little on dvd..and halfway through it, mom comes in...all insomaniac..and we just took off for midnight noodles at Bedok..and take the chance to finish New Year shopping for the house.

I love Singapore..everything is 24 hours...at least the things you need. We bought mandarins, goodies, cookies, and even a brocolli (don't know why, don't ask) at Bedok..at 3 am in the morning..and we had help carrying everything to the car by the shop assistants. If this is not good service, I don't know what is.

Bedok North Blk 85's Famous minced meat noodles

Fried Carrot Cake, which GJ totally misses

Crawled back to bed... mom wants to run again tomorrow...

Home Day 1

Home sweet home, even the weather is co-operating

It's 26 degrees , breezy but not super sunny or warm.
I can totally survive this weather.

Had to buy a new crystal studded havianas (well not have to, i could have bought $2 slippers, but of course i buy the cushier havianas) and a mini skirt and shorts because i'm so stupid with packing, I only had jeans and this is too nice a weather for jeans

Went around with mom to get food for a nice welcome home dinner with steamboat and grill, we had sashimi, sliced beef, chicken, pork and a fantastic dinner

Tried so hard to keep away that night, for fear of messing up the time again.

Very very painful...but I managed to get haircut no.1 at least that day. Try to sleep as mom promises morning jog tomorrow at the beach

Flight Home

Waiting at schipol for my flight home...this will be 6 months since i was last home..
a little apprehensive about the flight, well and mostly about being home.
But the prospects of good food, family and ang pow is helping me stay on the flight.

Great...I get the cow herd of holland again on my flight. This is a phenomenon whereby everyday, normal dutch citizens get REALLY REALLY nervous and panicky when they have to fly or travel.. symptoms observed:
1. They all line up at the check in counter like it's for free diamonds , the queue is messy and LONG....why??
2. They are rushing at the gate to go through the detectors, they line up all the way around the corner, pass the toilets, down the travelator side and pass the other gate...while there are empty seats around in the waiting areas
3. Once they get through, they start to queue to enter the plane, even when it's not time yet...observes queue the goes all the way and joins up with that of the detector queue
4. Shoves and pushes through the aisle of the plane, and you get jams because 2 fat ladies like to stand IN THE AISLE for FOREVER to put their luggage, adjust their hair, etc etc
5. You sit, and your surrounded by sounds of BOE BOE BOE , because of course..the cows say boe in holland
6. You notice, if one cow turns, the others ALL FOLLOW at lightning speed.
7. You're next to a couple and the female cow, has obviously never been on the plane before, so whatever you move or touch or take during your flight, she will photo-copy you.
8. There is another old cow in the aisle, telling people he's a major etc etc, and talks so loud, that 2 attendants have to come and "forcefully smiling" persuade him to sit down , or else
9. You hear talk about travelling and being to places SO INACCURATE AND FALSE...you just don't know what to say anymore....how can people claim to be to places they have obviously never even been to before
10. You have no more elbow room even as you're on the aisle seat, because the cow next to you is so big, she takes your elbow rest, and on the aisle side, some cow is standing with her huge ass next to you, as she's chatting to the other cows mid-flight..

everyone go: BOE BOE BOE BOE BOE

that and 4 hours of turbulence on a 13 hour flight....
I got really really nauseous

Friday's Two Faces - I AM DRUNK & HAPPY

Got to G's, smell of good cooking wafting through the old canal house.
This was celebration night, for all of us and the 2 teachers for surviving the semester, but clouded by RMR's over eagerness of desire to share our grades with us. still, we stuck to the plan of making too much cocktails too generously, so that everyone will be drunk enough not to notice.

Headed back out to the nearest AH for ingredients and booze... had time to chat with Anais, who is actually the sweetest thing alive, like liquorice...
TOo much booze, too little men to carry them, lesson learnt: never send the boys to get booze, they blew the budget and got whiskey too.

Got back, started to man the lemon pressing station while M starts the Mojitos out, gets alcohol-free RMR to take some, but overheard him telling Dirk and Gepke that their reports sucked while walking in to serve drinks....OUCH....tell M to start making stronger Mojitos
Manning stations between hallway (aka the BAR), the dinning room and the kitchen, feeding the cook cocktails and his friend, Alta got a non-alcoholic one by mistake.

Night went by under a haze of mojitos, malibus with pineapple juice (YUUUM) and tequila shots and pasta and vegetable stews ( needed more salt). Then the party began, with a drunk V, hugging everyone including G and boyfriend telling them in whispers (loud whispers) "I'M NOT DRUNK...REALLY .... I AM JUST PRETENDING" of course, everybody knows the universal rule that drunks protest their own state when they are gone and drunk.

He was great entertainment , snapping his fingers at people to FOCUUS on him (fucous - f*** us) ... i'm tempted to clip the movie of him i filmed here..but i have no idea.
He started to pour out his life story to us, and hugged everyone....

I was so sad that i had to leave early, i wanted to witness his embarassment more, as we kept pressing whiskey in his hands. Tried to hand him his hoodie, which he proceeded to shove his right arm into the left sleeve of. Decided, with a pang of guilt, maybe I should take him home, but he didn't want to, so we just let him be.

Heard after that he literary jumped on people, hugged them the night through.

Made our way back with M, Fleur and Shih Chi, to delft, too tired and gone to walk home....so..we caught a mercedes cab from the station....and decided since this is our first cab ride in a LONG time (yes, we are that deprived in delft) to wave like Queen E / Paegent Queen in the car..:D
I've got that hand movement down to a pat + tilted chin and elegant gaze...:D

We have to do this all again...the drinks, the company, the drunk and of course the fun
(pictures will be posted later)

Friday's Two Faces - I AM ART & CULTURE

Got up real early, caught the tram to the station with M to be on our way to Den Haag for a day of culture and refinement visiting the nation's musuem with our esteemed professor, RMR...
tried to be late..well not tried..was just late..because of said tram/train...it's not my fault the stop train came first.
But still we were met up by the group and had a whole morning/afternoon of dutch impressionist and romantic artist in the Mauritshuis, where we saw van Mieris (humourous guy...great thing to have in a house full of dead artiste with dead drawings of deader people) who had brothel scenes, with copulating dogs and oysters as inspiration, a nice sojourn through a pouring (1 degree) rain and a nice lunch at a cafe on the square in front of the musuem (free lunch! thanks to RMR)
Proceeded to Amsterdam for th Rijksmusum, where I got a picture of a fat boy..I LOVE IT..it's just so weird it's funny. Saw dollhouses built for adults, without their working miniature fountain and garden (alas) and walked the line down Keizergracht for a night of cocktails at G's place.
(pictures will be posted at a later date)

Sassen and test

Just finished the final test...yooopee
we had like 5 inches thick of papers/readers to read for the open book exam
out of which..perhaps only 10% was evident in the test questions.

to boot...the dutch students had a different reader from the internationals...but hey guess what..
in the spirit of equality...everyone gets the same test.

Now ... we await the results

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hello...i'm from Singapore

You know what you hear and think about all Singaporean kiasu kias...well i'm one of them and I'm super grateful for the MOE to drilling me into a book-eating, text-digesting machine. I can eat and lap up any bloody subject and text as long as you tell me i have an exam on it. And frankly, I think i bloody earned this ability, after 18 years of having to do it 3 times a month at least and hearing the words, okay, you have a mid-term exam tomorrow...and you go like wah..again?
So..now i'm super pissed..there are these buggers from god-knows-why "developed" better countries who think they are so smart...they can't even read english articles properly...they waltz in and in a "friendly-exchange" try to weasel you out of your notes and information to pick your brains....
Forget it man...no fucking way I'm gonna help educate you while i'm here studying my brains off...no way..you don't even know what time the exam is. Besides...do i look stupid to you? I've got 6 years of primary, 4 years of secondary and 2 years college of hard-core test and exam studying under my belt...you think i'm gonna past my notes to you?
Helllooo..I'm from singapore and I'm proud of it

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Final Presentation (REALLY)

We had our final presentation of the semester at the Province House of South Holland in Den Haag in the Parlimentary Room. You cannot imagine the relief...the first part was an exhibition, where everyone shows off their panels and presentation and after which we debated. FUN
Setting up the panels ... imagine walking with them in the fog and cold at 8 am in the morning.
Me, Vic n Fleur...Gorgeous in Black of course
Our beloved studio master, Remon ... with his wildly individual pants
Debating session
Wireless Group
Group 2 ... well mostly everyone...of course
after that..we all went off for a oily greasy good chinese meal in chinatown....YUM


Meet my new phone ... isn't it FABULOUS? it's pink...it's thin..and it's metal...oooh
now all i need is the corresponding metal pouch to keep it winter proof ... imagine when it's freezing and you have to place the cold metal to your face ....HA...instant face lift...take that botox!

end of wireless

After 3 months of being at each other's throat, my perspective studio is starting to wrap things up... FINALLY....we all need a holiday

2006 with a few bangs

Happy New Year...
that's GJ with Poes...whom we hope will still see another year...bless her geriatric soul..she's 13 years.

Of course..what's new year without fat OLIEBOLEN a la Geert on New Year's Eve and cheap champagne (Cham Poo Poo) and €50 worth of fireworks thrown up in the sky in a big nice bang.
or a gourmet dinner with so much meat..you swear you're vegetarian for a year (WHO AM I KIDDING)
and of course a quiet night of klaverjas after that...to just rest our minds and beat the crap out of his parents..:D hehehe

it's Christmas

time for all grown ups to be a kid again

Her Ultimate Cuteness

Christmas in Meppel

Christmas in Meppel was great food, fun and family. We had christmas night dinner with GJ's sis, her guy and her precious kid. I made portobellos with gorgonzola in a pastry shell and we had varkenhaas with pepper cream sauce and 2 kinds of BEAUTIFUL desserts, a blueberry cheesecake with a bomb alaska...good....:)
i got to open my christmas gift from marcela...I LOVE THE GLOVES
and i got GJ a Singapore airline model airplane that he always wanted. For the oldies..we got them winter survival kits of whisky and beauty stuff

Merry Christmas.


the water outside my apartment froze over...
and then... IT SNOWED...WHEEE

Christmas in Delft

Come to delft friends, for your dose of medieval-faux christmas spirit...
After jostling with a lot of old people to get into the square at 7pm to watch them light the HUMONGOUS christmas tree...i nearly lost my scarf in the crowd...we watch them turn on the lights with a little anti-climatic Beep...followed by a nice light show on the nearby church and "ancient" carollers strolling the streets..doing BAD rendition of acappella christmas tunes around a faux medieval market with jostlers and weird ladies in costumes with flashing red eyes ...
You gotta love it ...


Weird or Wired...
Sushi in Amsterdam = LOVE