Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pink: Misunderstood

Pink the color, I mean.
It's not a dirty word. I'm in my pink phase and I'm sick of all the looks I get when I go pink in my choices.
By the's also for Breast Cancer Awareness, a cause very dear to my heart. (Bye Aunt 6)
I'm in the process of moving into my student room in Delft and I've choosen like all pink stuff, plaid, dish drip rack, afwasbak, EVERYTHING and people look at me like I'm going nuts. Well..I"M GOING PINK!
it's not a girl thing, well mostly not. It's not a child thing. It's me being able to know what..I LIKE PINK!
From my Kate Spade to my iPod to my room in Delft. I'm gonna pink it all if i want. It's no longer the domain of the girl who i totally dislike (YOU KNOW WHO) it's my color and anyone else after that. It does not stand for saccharine prissiness (i like my pink hot!) it's bright n cool for summer and sparkly with silver for a sassy winter.
BTW: I know Kate Spade has a pink leather holder for iPod minis. (listening? fairy god mothers?!)

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