Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pink: Misunderstood

Pink the color, I mean.
It's not a dirty word. I'm in my pink phase and I'm sick of all the looks I get when I go pink in my choices.
By the's also for Breast Cancer Awareness, a cause very dear to my heart. (Bye Aunt 6)
I'm in the process of moving into my student room in Delft and I've choosen like all pink stuff, plaid, dish drip rack, afwasbak, EVERYTHING and people look at me like I'm going nuts. Well..I"M GOING PINK!
it's not a girl thing, well mostly not. It's not a child thing. It's me being able to know what..I LIKE PINK!
From my Kate Spade to my iPod to my room in Delft. I'm gonna pink it all if i want. It's no longer the domain of the girl who i totally dislike (YOU KNOW WHO) it's my color and anyone else after that. It does not stand for saccharine prissiness (i like my pink hot!) it's bright n cool for summer and sparkly with silver for a sassy winter.
BTW: I know Kate Spade has a pink leather holder for iPod minis. (listening? fairy god mothers?!)

Day out at Efteling 28-08-05

Geert & Jeanne

Efteling Theatre
Bas n Geert

Lieke n Me

Her Ultimate Cuteness, Lieke Polling


Suikerspin! it's pink it's yummy!

iGot my iPod

Thank you GJ!! I love it!
it's pink! it's small and it's lovely!

Bluuuuee Skies, Nothing but Blue Skies

Vrrrmmm....Motor Men!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What to do when you lose your car doors.

In an effort to go GREEN perhaps the owner of this potential "pimp my ride" vehicle, has decided to re do his back doors in wood. Nicely done.

Strange sights of Donderdag Meppeldag

Every thursday in the summer in Meppel, where GJ lives, they have a little town festival. Sights include a man dressed as a cave man, inclusive of giant club traipsing through the town to the sound of old women covering Kylie Minouge's "Can't Get You Out of my Head".
Perhaps the huge club was to help to beat it out of their heads?

A little friend from the park

Hello my little friend from the park.
You came around the sniff by our feet even though you kept getting yelled at by your owner for lagging behind.
This is for showing him who's in charge. For running off in the opposite direction to sniff poo by the water side and then run back to him with your cute tail between your legs when he actually walked back to yell at you for being lazy.


I'm exchanging my concrete jungle home for a green forest of respite.

Look and breathe deep, my mostly myopic friends back in Singapore.

Live by Numbers

Your age.
Your birthday.Your time of birth.
Your figure measurements.
Your Shoe Size. Your amount of shoes.
Your bag collection. The amount of apartment you can fill it with.
Your mobile, home, office and fax number. The number of email accounts you have.
Your address, your postal code.
Your clothes size. Your hat size. Your underwear size.
Your car plate number, your license.
Your identity number, your insurance number and your student card number.
Your credit card number and your bank account.
Your time spent on planes, on rackety transport.
Your friends and their numbers.
Your time and everyone elses.
Your siblings, your parents, your grand-parents and extended family.

So many things we can quantify and represent in numbers but we shouldn't.

Lastly, to all the people who loved to watch Lost.
four, eight, fifteen, sixteen, twenty-three, forty-two.