Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Banannannanannanannanananna Posted by Hello

Just read that bananas are great emotional stablisers, not as in using them "that' way..but to eat them. Apparently they keep a bunch backstage for nervy, spoilt wrecks millionbillionaires we call stars....artistes (pardon me)

thank goodness nsiap has bananas abound :D

Bananaone: JAN: her laughter is infectious. She likes shoes...great news.
Bananatwee: CHARM: her name says it all, kooky, strange very E.A.Poe-y nice.
Bananadrie: CC: he's being BAKRed now...:D poor CC...

banana nana nana nana nana nana nana NSIAP isn't as bad with bananas around nananannananna



Haha... goodness. I never would have thought that my little slip of a tongue during lunchtime conversation would have had such lasting after-effects.
Banana-nana rules! (That's me btw. Boh is na, CC is nanana, and wendy u can be nananana! haha)

lepetitmac said...

hi wendy!!!
i thot i was slow.. cos i was slower than jan...
you are blogging too!!! whopeee...
just saying hi..
lemme know when u figure out the finer details in managing the blog ok? like linking ur frens and stuff...

Wendy said...

yeas yes...slow...:D.
this is considered a revival movement...I shall let you know...although I've figured out how to access the editor by linking ur page..so only you can see and post right from the blog..:)..i help you install when i work as elf (No. 0013299430) ?