Friday, March 28, 2008

Getting Paddy

Well....some people know, we always wanted a dog! A golden retriever or a Labrador preferably.

This all started when I went off to work on my bike and passed this most amazingly beautiful chocolate lab puppy, who wouldn't stop looking/cooing at me for the longest time.

Which got me thinking..hey let's look on marktplaats (Dutch Ebay) for a puppy ...JUST FOR FUN!

Guess what? There was a advertisement, to pick up some puppies for free! SUPER EXCITED...


But within that 12 hours of waiting to find out if we could get a puppy, I basically managed to plan the scheduling of having a puppy, find out all the information we needed and REALIZED....hey! IT IS DOABLE!

GJ & I were disappointed, but we decided we shall look further and see if anything comes up.
Now, the going rate for a pedigree lab is EUR850-1000, which is ridiculous, given that our first car cost just as much.

We wanted a pet, not a show dog/breeding dog.

On Good Friday itself, we saw and advert in the morning about new pups ready to be taken home from a farm, they JUST turned 8 weeks (PERFECT!)

GJ whipped out his phone, made a few calls, and VOILA...we could visit en route to his parents for Easter celebrations.

An hour of driving on god-forsaken country roads! we came to the farm and got a VERY WARM greeting from Paddy's mother and choose Paddy for the following reasons!

1) We wanted a boy, he was the only one...
2) He was the most composed dog, 2 of his sisters were ADDish... and the other one hid in the corner
3) He is quite blond, a little tubby, has a little tummy and was quite cool and relaxed about EVERYTHING (sounds like GJ!)
4) When he was in GJ's arms, he leaned over and dived into my cleavage...which...ticks all he box about having a dog that is like a carbon copy of GJ!

We followed the farmer, paid the deposit and it was 2 LONG DAYS of waiting to pick up Paddy!

Finally on Tuesday, after a half day of work, we jumped into the car with supplies and blankets to pick up Paddy. We got a long talk with the farmer's wife about Paddy's upbringing and his passports, schedules etc. Then it was off in the car with Paddy.

He was terrified as we placed him in the car on the blanket on my lap in the front seat. It was his first car ride/blanket/high speed movement/people other than the farmers/without his family! Luckily, the farmers were smart enough to withhold his food that day, which saved us a session of cleaning vomit.

However, Paddy being Paddy, decided to grace us with 15 farts along the way home. Which given the position he was in, was ALL directed at GJ, but trust stank....
Amidst the fog and stink of dog farts, it was a miracle GJ got us home without much hard curves to avoid scaring Paddy!

Now the adventure of Paddington can begin!

Welcome the Newest Addition to Klopsteen 8

We are proud to announce, on 25th of March, we picked up Paddington (named after the tube station, not the bear!) from Langbroek, UT from the Van Dijk Farm!
Born on 25th of January, Paddy is precisely today 9 weeks old and weighs no more than my handbag!

His god-parents/ voluntary dog-sitters are:
Ren & Charmaine

Proud Puppy Parents,
Wendy & Geert-Jan

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Things on my dining table now


Against all odds, the curse didnt take place this time, something actually stayed alive in my house.
In fact, the paperwhites have GROWN so uch, they are touching the lamps above the tables.
Judging by the fact that they were only 3 inches high when we bought them. GASP
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GJs Birthday

We finally had a birthday party for GJ at home, his family came, including his sister and her ADORABLE 2 kids.

Evi, trying out for vouge

Little evi again, on an outdoor shoot. poor thing.
The wind was mighty strong that day, and this cute thing in her new french navy peacoat, got blown over.
Then playtime was decidedly over.

Lieke, my favourite, was all energy and fun.

Spring Time Arrangements

I wanted some bulbs (narcissus and hyacinth) in house for the CNY.
Bought a bird bath at the local garden centre, filled it up with bulbs on offer, moss and stones.

Of course, we decided to adopt another ficus plant. In the hope that this one lasts for more than 2 months.
At current posting time, he is still well and alive, not molting or dead because no water was given.

Chinese New Year 2008

We celebrated the 3rd day of Chinese New Year at the atrium of the Stadhuis in Den Haag.
This year, was so crowded....we couldn't see much of anything.

Gave up in the end and went for a lovely Tapas dinner instead.
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Antwerp Feb 2008

Mint Tea in Antwerp

GJ & Mom

Inside the Rubens house

GJ's Photo shoot in Antwerp...featuring his HEAVY H&M coat

We went down to Antwerp for a day trip over Chinese New Year.
Lovely weather means all the terraces are full. But my god...they have New Look and HABITAT in Antwerp.
Now i know where my next furnishings are going to come from! Yay!
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Spring Time

Star of Bethelhem with Cherry Twigs.
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Visit Wendy 2008

Dad came on a stop over from Singapore. We had pancakes in Delft and Dim Sum in Den Haag.

Then my beloved cousin lizzy came to visit with her boyfriend for a day. Sushi dinner!!
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